Can You See In 3D? Can You See Your Heart Beat? Architectural Rendering Makes Life Like Creations

Architectural rendering, in itself, in nothing new to the industrial, drafting and design industries. For many decades architects have produced three-dimensional drawings that depict a world where buildings and grounds are realistically depicted on paper. The difference today is that these drawings are generated by computers after architects input basic dimensions and material types. The computers will do all the hard work for us today and generate these incredibly realistic architectural renderings in a fraction of the time that used to be spent to draw each out manually by hand. The quality is unsurpassed as the drawing is generated with no mistakes and no dimensional errors.
The advantage to any end-user is the fact that so much time is saved in generating these realistic architectural drawings. As well, we can generate a view of an entire neighborhood or development which was not realistically possible when we drew it all by hand. Some architects doing high-end work would actually build replica models with real buildings to depict a neighborhood or house tract, today this is all not necessary as we can be walked through, or flew through, a neighborhood house by house, and yard by yard, so we can see everything from parks to bathrooms in every structure along the way.
This has allowed architects today to really make a practical presentation of whatever idea is being sold, whether it is a house, sky scraper, restaurant or other real property. Renderings are not limited to this popular use though, renderings are one of the most effective sources of providing evidence in a court of law. Can you imagine an entire layout being created on a screen that could drive your car down a street and depict how another car pulled out in front of you? Wow, this is huge, this new way of providing evidence makes a truly believable presentation of what transpired during any period of time. The use of architectural rendering in courts and other legal proceeding, such as litigation, is becoming more popular and when the stakes are huge, this is now the tool of choice. This reminds me of reality TV in many ways. You get to really see what is going on when it can be animated onto a TV screen that you can view and see everything in the area, from the weather, the lighting and everything else that is involved in any given scene.
The uses seem to be endless and have even taken hold in the medical field where a complete view of a heart or other organ in the human body can be seen from all angles with everything laid out in perfect order and position. These 3D medical illustrations and medical animations allow physicians and surgeons to see the parts of a human body, even the entire skeletal body, as they have never seen them before. This is quite an advance in medical technology.
Robert D Kelsey writes about architectural rendering and its myriad of uses from 3D medical illustration [] to crime scene depiction. The field of architectural services today has become computerized and an enormous savings in time is scene by all architects. Drawings and renderings today can be presented in life like form and are as realistic as realistic can get.

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